Neue Notiz
From Hilde, with Love
Hilde Coppi is a member of the Nazi resistance group “Roten Kapelle.“ The film, interrupted by flashbacks, traces the events from Coppi's arrest to the birth of her son in the Barnimstrasse Women's Prison in Berlin and her murder.
Original title: In Liebe, Eure Hilde – From Hilde, with Love
Deutschland 2024, 124 min
Language: German
Genre: Drama
Director: Andreas Dresen
Author: Laila Stieler
DOP: Judith Kaufmann
Montage: Jörg Hauschild
Distributor: Pandora Filmverleih
Cast: Liv Lisa Fries, Johannes Hegemann, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Emma Bading, Sina Martens
FSK: 12
Release: 17.10.2024
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles

From Hilde, with Love
(In Liebe, Eure Hilde – From Hilde, with Love) | Deutschland 2024 | Drama | R: Andreas Dresen | FSK: 12 | Interview
Hilde Coppi is a member of the Nazi resistance group “Roten Kapelle.“ The film, interrupted by flashbacks, traces the events from Coppi's arrest to the birth of her son in the Barnimstrasse Women's Prison in Berlin and her murder.
Kino Intimes
20.02. – Thu
TicketsReservation: https://www.kino-intimes.de/tickets OmeU18:05
24.02. – Mon
TicketsReservation: https://www.kino-intimes.de/tickets OmeU18:05
24.02. – Mon
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/92 25 53 05 17:30
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