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Caught By The Tides
Qiaoqiao (Zhao Tao) und Guo Bin (Li Zhubin) meet on the dancefloor in a desolate town in northern China. But their romantic bliss is soon shattered when Bin suddenly disappears. Qiaoqiao goes looking for him and encounters many other strange people while she drifts like a restless phantom.
Original title: Feng liu yi dai
China 2024, 111 min
Language: Mandarin, Chinese
Genre: Drama, Love-story
Director: Jia Zhang-Ke
Author: Jia Zhang-Ke, Wan Jiahuan
DOP: Lik Wai Yu
Montage: Xudong Lin
Music: Lim Giong
Distributor: rapid eye movies
Cast: Zhao Tao, Li Zhubin, Pan Jianlin, Lan Zhou
Release: 15.05.2025
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
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