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Flatland | ZA/D/L 2019 | Adventure, Western | Jenna Cato Bass

Tug Of War

Vuta N'Kuvute | Tansania 2021 | Drama, Love Stories | Amil Shivji

Tanzania, 1954, the country is still a British protectorate. Denke, the Black revolutionary, meets the beautiful, rich, quiet Indian Yasmin, who is fleeing from an forced marriage.

Good Madam

Mlungu Wam | ZA 2021 | Horror | Jenna Cato Bass


Rafiki | Kenia/ Südafrika/ Frankreich/ Deutschland/ Niederlande/ Norwegen/ Libanon 2018 | Drama | Wanuri Kahiu | 12

Kena and Ziki are two young women from Nairobi who fall in love – despite their different personalities, rival families, and the people in their environment who can‘t wait to badmouth them.

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