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8 Tage

D 2018 | Drama, | Stefan Rutzowitzky, Michael Krummenacher


Ghana/Deutschland 2021 | Drama | York-Fabian Raabe | 12

Brothers Kofi and Kojo are growing up on the electronic scrap landsfill by the gates of Accra, but they dream of a good life like the ones the “Borga“ have, the Ghanaians who have made money abroad.


D 1992 | Comedy | Niklaus Schilling

Es ist nur eine Phase, Hase

Deutschland 2021 | Comedy | Florian Gallenberger | 12

A couple in their 50s have lost the magic and are taking a break. The film is loosely based on the eponymous book by Maxim Leo and Jochen Gugsch.

In July

Im Juli | D 1999 | Love-story, Roadmovie | Fatih Akin | 12

Das Leben ist eine Baustelle

D 1996 | Love-story | Wolfgang Becker | 12

Lola auf der Erbse

Deutschland 2014 | Family Film | Thomas Heinemann | oA

Ever since her father disappeared the 11-year-old Lola has been acting up. When the new kid Rebin joins the class, Lola is intrigued by the shy "new kid". But Rebin and his family have a dark secret.


Mis | PL 1981 | Comedy | Stanislaw Bareja

Mr. Rudolpho's Jubilee

USA/D/I 2017 | Comedy, Music Films | Michael Glover

Der Räuber Hotzenplotz

Deutschland 2022 | Adventure, Children's Film, Literary Film Adaptations | Michael Krummenacher | oA

Steig. Nicht. Aus!

Deutschland 2017 | Thriller | Christian Alvart | 12

What might have been

Was gewesen wäre | Deutschland 2019 | Drama | Florian Koerner von Gustorf | 6

Paul and Astrid want to spend a romantic weekend in Hungary, but when Astrid recognizes one of the other hotel guests as her childhood sweetheart, the couple‘s trip turns into a trip to the past.

Die Welt der Wunderlichs

Die Welt der Wunderlichs | Deutschland/Schweiz 2016 | Comedy | Dani Levy | oA

Everybody sports their own mental illness in the Wunderlich family – from depression to near psychosis. Chaos is right around the corner when the family members unite.

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