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Berlin Film Anthology: LOLA RENNT

Speeding through the capital

Young and on the move. In LOLA RENNT (RUN LOLA RUN) Berlin is a city in overdrive. It’s the late 1990s and the city is rebuilding itself. Building sites are everywhere and what used to be a laid back haven for dropouts is reforming itself into a run of the mill capital. In the middle of it all Lola has twenty minutes to safe her boyfriend from a drug deal gone sour. And so she runs – through Kreuzberg, Mitte and Charlottenburg, past iconic sides that are not in the least anywhere near each other. But logic doesn’t matter here. Tom Tykwer’s breakthrough feature is about speed, and about the vagaries of chance. Three times Lola races through town to safe Manni, each time a slightly different series of events occurs and each time is more frantic. LOLA RENNT inspired countless spoofs and marked the beginning of a stellar career for Tom Tykwer and Franka Potente (then Germanys dream film couple).