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We Live in Time
The most remarkable thing about the relationship between Almut (Florence Pugh) and Tobias (Andrew Garfield) is that it’s so unremarkable: Tobias and Almut are two nice people who get along very well with each other.
Shortly after sunrise on an early spring day, Almut (Florence Pugh) jogs along a dirt road and collects some young pine needles. She will be magically turning it into breakfast for her and Tobias (Andrew Garfield). An unspectacular moment and yet, as the music makes clear, a fleeting high point of their domestic bliss. Director John Crowley (BROOKLYN) and screenwriter Nick Payne tell their love story in achronological order. Just a few scenes later, Almut and Tobias are the doctors. Almut’s cancer is back and the prospect of another round of chemo triggers deep resignation. She asks Tobias how he would feel about her not doing chemo in front of the hospital. Whether a few good months aren’t better than a few more crappy months? The question hangs over every scene of the film. What’s a good moment? Which decisions have which consequences? How do you live with not being able to know this? The narrative jumps back and forth between a present in which Almut struggles with fainting spells and cannot give up her restaurant job, and different time periods in the past. In one of them, Tobias and Almut meet each other, in another they try to have a child. The most extraordinary thing about their relationship is that it’s not extraordinary: Tobias and Almut are two nice people that get along well. Almut is somewhat gruff, more robust, more ambitious. Being a chef is her dream job. Tobias is more cautious, and he puts away the dishes. The time jumps and a very smooth production create a certain distance, and WE LIVE IN TIME is less heartbreaking than expected. The friendliness with which Tobias and Almut treat each other remains in one’s memory.
Translation: Elinor Lewy
Original title: We Live in Time
Großbritannien/Frankreich 2024, 108 min
Genre: Drama, Romance Films, Love Stories
Director: John Crowley
Author: Nick Payne
DOP: Stuart Bentley
Montage: Justine Wright
Distributor: Studiocanal
Cast: Florence Pugh, Andrew Garfield, Adam James, Aoife Hinds
FSK: 12
Release: 09.01.2025
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
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