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Polish Prayers: Prawy chlopak


A colourful trail of rainbow flags winds its way through the streets of Warsaw during Polish Pride. Along the way, 22-year-old Antek and his friends are stirring up trouble: with prayers and slogans, they warn of the ‘pink menace’. Antek is in his element on the Catholic right and holds deeply right-wing nationalist views: homosexuality is a disease, there can be no sex before marriage, and Poland is for Poles. Enjoying his growing power in the Brotherhood, Antek leads a small group of like-minded young men at survival camps, on church visits and at anti-pride demonstrations. But when Antek falls in love, he begins to doubt the ban on premarital sex and then the existence of God.
(Human Rights Film Festival)


Original title: Polish Prayers: Prawy chlopak
Schweiz/Polen 2022, 84 min
Language: Polish
Genre: Documentary
Director: Hana Nobis
DOP: Miłosz Kasiura
Music: Marcel Vaid


  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
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