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Lifelong – Hayatboyu | Deutschland/Türkei/Niederlande 2013 | Drama | Asli Özge

Using clear lines and neutral colours the director Asli Özge portrays the life of a bourgeois Turkish couple in Istanbul: She is an artist, he an architect. The spark is long gone and the marks of a long-term marriage are seen on their faces and ...


Madame | Schweiz 2019 | Documentary | Stéphane Riethauser | 12

Stéphane Riethauser portrays the life of his grandmother Caroline – and his own. She resisted the patriarchy at the beginning of the last century and broke out of the heteronormative bourgeois two generations later.

Mülheim – Texas: Helge Schneider hier und dort

Mülheim – Texas: Helge Schneider hier und dort | Deutschland 2015 | Documentary | Andrea Roggon | oA

MÜLHEIM – TEXAS shows the famously quirky comedian and jazz musician Helge Schneider at work: rehearsing and composing, talking to the press, and last but not least performing his deadpan stand-up routines.

Wir waren Kumpel

Deutschland/Schweiz 2023 | Documentary | Christian Johannes Koch, Jonas Matauschek

Five friends, among them Martina Klimatzki, who is trans, report on working underground and life after the mines closed.

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