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Interview mit Robin Campillo zu 120 BPM

„Wir waren jung und hatten nichts zu verlieren, das machte uns unaufhaltbar.“

120 battements par minute

120 battements par minute | Frankreich 2017 | Drama | Robin Campillo | 16 | Interview

In the early 1990s, Parisian activist group ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) fights against civilian and governmental ignorance as well as the corrupt pharma companies.

Mon bebe

Mon bebe | Frankreich 2019 | Comedy | Lisa Azuelos | 6

Heloise has three children, is single, and has her own restaurant. When her youngest daughter Jade wants to leave the nest and study in Canada, she has an existential crisis. Her children were always the focal point for her.

Garcon chiffon

Garcon chiffon | F 2020 | Drama, Comedy | Nicholas Maury

Seize printemps

16 printemps | Frankreich 2020 | Drama | Suzanne Lindon | oA

16 year old Suzanne doesn‘t get on with her peers. The melancholy actor in his thirties working in a small boulevard theater that she passes by on her way to school every day is far more interesting.

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