Magazin für unabhängiges Kino



20 Years in THE MATRIX

In 1999 the world waited for the Y2K crash and the first STAR WARS prequel. The internet wasn‘t everywhere yet and long leather coats were mostly worn by goths. The film by the Wachowskis introduced a brand new world. Filmrauschpalast will show how Keanu Reeves became the powerful messiah in a fully digital world in honor of the film‘s 20th anniversary. Fully analogue on 35mm film and in the original version.

Dates: 15., 20., and 27.5. at 20:00

20 Years in THE MATRIX

Date: 27.05.2019
Time: 20:00
Language: English
Location: Filmrauschpalast

Lehrter Str. 35, 10557 Berlin
Phone: 030/394 43 44
Hauptbahnhof + 10 min Fußweg, Bus 123 Kruppstraße, Bus M27 Quitzowstraße