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Tracing Light
Sunrise over a provincial apartment building. A rainbow in the drain of a sink. Reflections of water. Thomas Riedelsheimer (RIVERS AND TIDES) follows the light.
Director and cinematographer Thomas Riedelsheimer ist most known for his film RIVERS AND TIDES, ANDY GOLDSWORTHY WORKING WITH TIME (2000) which was about the landscape art of Goldsworthy. In simpler times 25 years ago, when a certain romanticism was still flourishing and people felt more like they needed calm in the face of radical change than, as they do today, comfort and support in the face of impending radical changes, this was well received. Riedelsheimer’s new film TRACING LIGHT is partially similar to RIVERS AND TIDES. The film tries to get to the secret of light or mystifying light, which seems to be the same up to a certain point. There are two artist duos that explore the light phenomenon in different ways. Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt are scientific about it and speak to a physicist who heads the “Extreme Light Project“ in Glasgow. Their project uses an ultra-high-speed camera to approximately show how light passes through an auditorium in waves. Johannes Brunner and Raimund Ritz build a huge ball, half black and half white, into the elegant, all-white architecture of the Max Planck Institute in Erlangen, and land artist Julie Brook builds a fire pit on the beach in the area of the tide range. Quantum physicists explain why light is both a particle and a wave, but collapses as soon as it is observed. But one of them has to explain the function of the pinhole camera though. Riedelsheimer’s own camera does a kind of cinematographic landscape painting that can even discover the magic in the reflections of a blue plastic bottle, but only really comes into its own on the beach and in the mountains.
Translation: Elinor Lewy
Deutschland/Großbritannien 2024, 99 min
Language: English, German
Genre: Documentary
Director: Thomas Riedelsheimer
DOP: Thomas Riedelsheimer
Music: Fred Frith, gabby fluke-mogul
Distributor: Piffl Medien
Release: 16.01.2025
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles

Tracing Light
Deutschland/Großbritannien 2024 | Documentary | R: Thomas Riedelsheimer | FSK: oA
Sunrise over a provincial apartment building. A rainbow in the drain of a sink. Reflections of water. Thomas Riedelsheimer (RIVERS AND TIDES) follows the light.
fsk-Kino am Oranienplatz
15.02. – Sat
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/614 24 64, https://booking.cinetixx.de/frontend/#/eventList/2278359999 OmU17:45
16.02. – Sun
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/614 24 64, https://booking.cinetixx.de/frontend/#/eventList/2278359999 OmU17:45
17.02. – Mon
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/614 24 64, https://booking.cinetixx.de/frontend/#/eventList/2278359999 OmU17:45
18.02. – Tue
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/614 24 64, https://booking.cinetixx.de/frontend/#/eventList/2278359999 OmU17:45
19.02. – Wed
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/614 24 64, https://booking.cinetixx.de/frontend/#/eventList/2278359999 OmU17:45
16.02. – Sun
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/85 40 60 85 11:00
Bali Kino
15.02. – Sat
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/811 46 78, https://www.balikino-berlin.de/tickets/ 14:00
16.02. – Sun
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/811 46 78, https://www.balikino-berlin.de/tickets/ 14:00
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