Magazin für unabhängiges Kino

Neue Notiz

Night of Shorts

Polish short films


Pazur / The Claw, Dok, R: Marta Nowak, PL 2023, 17 min, OmeU - The story of a man hiring ukrainian refugees to aid him in his battle against a poultry farm being built-

Moja siostra / Sister of Mine, Dok, R: Mariusz Rusiński, PL 2023, 30 min, OmeU - Zuzia has to go to drug rehab. Her family tries to support her as best they can, but they also have to ask themself difficult questions.

Sheep Out, Anima, R: Zofia Klamka, PL 2023, 8 min, oT - A young urbanite finds her daily routine disrupted by a vision of a sheep.

Warszawa, Holandia / Warsaw, Holland, Spielfilm, R: Ming-Wei Chiang, PL 2023, 18 min, OmeU - In the back alleys of Lodz a young man is making ends meet with odd jobs. But he needs a ray of personal light, too. Will somebody be his friend?

Zapach Ziemi / Smell of the Ground, Anima, R: Olivia Rosa, PL 2023 Jahr, 8 min, oT - Sped-up still life impressions of a world without life. Or is there?

Zima, Anima, R: Tomasz Popakul & Kasumi Ozeki, PL 2023, 27 min, OmeU - The pious Anka is finding it hard to deal with the rough habits of the other people in the village. It is so easy to lose one's peace of mind.


Genre: Short-film Programme


  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
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