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Henry and Anna are less than enthusiastic when they find out that their very talented and sick daughter Milla has fallen in love for the first time – with a young drifter and drug dealer Moses, of all people.


It happens on platform 4: Milla’s painful first encounter with Moses. The 23 year old (Toby Wallace) carelessly bumps into the schoolgirl. But Milla (Eliza Scanlen, LITTLE WOMEN) is fascinated by Moses, who is – as we soon find out – a drug addict and looking for a place to stay. When Moses asks her for money, Milla wants to give him 50 dollars, but only if he cuts her hair – which isn’t a problem for the son of a dog hairdresser. From that point on a regular coming-of-age love story could develop if it weren’t for Milla’s illness. The 16 year old has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. Milla’s parents, the slightly eccentric psychiatrist Henry (Ben Mendelsohn) and the high-spirited former concert pianist Anna (Essie Davis) who mixes her meds a bit too wildly, are less enthusiastic about Moses who is fond of all kinds of pills – and even breaks into the family’s house and threatens Anna with a meat fork. But when Milla’s health keeps deteriorating, her parents come up with a plan: they let Milla’s boyfriend Moses move into the house.
In BABYTEETH, which was celebrated in countless international festivals and won many prizes, Australian director Shannon Murphy upends the expectations of dramas about gravely ill sick teenagers. Murphy’s film is colorful, with weird humor and surreal and warm characters. Screenwriter Rita Kalnejais hints at a lot and avoids empty phrases and cliches. Titled episodes of different lengths make up Milla’s story, which is moving precisely because of its unconventional ways.

Stefanie Borowsky

Translation: Elinor Lewy


Original title: Babyteeth
Australien 2019, 120 min
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Director: Shannon Murphy
Author: Rita Kalnejais
DOP: Andrew Commis
Montage: Stephen Evans
Music: Amanda Brown
Distributor: X Verleih/Warner Bros.
Cast: Eliza Scanlen, Toby Wallace, Emily Barclay, Eugene Gilfedder, Essie Davis, Ben Mendelsohn
FSK: 12
Release: 08.10.2020



  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
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