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Lost Highway
Saxophonist Fred and his wife Renee keep on receiving video tapes of somebody seemingly in their house, one getting closer to their bed than the one before. When Renee is found murdered, Fred ends up on death row. Until one night, something happens and it's young mechanic Pete in Fred's cell instead of the musician.
Returning to his normal life, Pete soon is drawn into a story of lust and violence.
A neo-noir by David Lynch with a soundtrack which made 90s goths very happy.
USA 1996, 135 min
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: David Lynch
Author: David Lynch, Barry Gifford
Distributor: Senator Film
Cast: Patricia Arquette, Bill Pullman, Balthazar Getty
FSK: 16
Release: 10.04.1997
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
b-ware! ladenkino
16.02. – Sun
TicketsBuy Tickets OmU13:00
18.02. – Tue
TicketsReservation: https://babylonberlin.eu/programm OmU22:30
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