Neue Notiz
The centuries-old procedure of the conclave, with its strict rules and vivid rituals, offers the ideal backdrop for a thriller.
The Pope has died and Cardinal Thomas Lawrence (Ralph Fiennes) has to shoulder the responsibility of picking a new one. The centuries-long procedure of the conclave, in which all cardinals of the Catholic Church are locked together in Rome until a two-thirds majority has been found for a new pope, offers the ideal backdrop for a thriller with its rules and rituals. No wonder that Robert Harris, master of historical crime novels, chose this subject from modern-day Rome.
After ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT, Edward Berger stages a war of a different kind. There are civilized battles here, with words and intrigues for the future of a spiritual world power – and for personal goals and ambitions. With their conspiracies and dark secrets, the cardinals are by no means holier than other politicians campaigning. Liberals and conservatives fight each other just like Europeans and Africans, and an unknown person stirs up the situation: the Archbishop of Kabul, whom the late Pope had secretly appointed a cardinal. What’s interesting is that everyone is also wrestling with questions of conscience and faith; the whole thing has a dimension that goes beyond power politics. Lawrence navigates through a sea of crises, struggles with his faith and his church, becomes more and more entangled, and has to throw certain self-perceptions and self-imposed limits overboard.
The film uses the possibilities of the setting to produce grand images. The trapped cardinals and the election procedure in the Sistine Chapel seem like relics from a different time, sometimes it’s absurdly comical, but also seriously searching for deeper meaning. Only the penetrating music is annoying.
Translation: Elinor Lewy
Original title: Conclave
USA/Großbritannien/Italien 2024, 120 min
Genre: Thriller
Director: Edward Berger
Author: Peter Straughan
DOP: Stéphane Fontaine
Montage: Nick Emerson
Music: Volker Bertelmann
Distributor: Leonine
Cast: Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, Isabella Rossellini, John Lithgow, Sergio Castellitto, Brían F. O'Byrne, Jacek Koman, Lucian Msamati
Release: 21.11.2024
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles

(Conclave) | USA/Großbritannien/Italien 2024 | Thriller | R: Edward Berger
The centuries-old procedure of the conclave, with its strict rules and vivid rituals, offers the ideal backdrop for a thriller.
16.02. – Sun
TicketsReservation: http://www.casablanca-berlin.de/tickets.html 16:00
Delphi LUX
15.02. – Sat
TicketsReservation: https://www.yorck.de/kinos/delphi-lux OmU15:40
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Kant Kino
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TicketsReservation: https://www.yorck.de/kinos/kant-kino 11:15
Union Filmtheater
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TicketsReservation: https://www.kino-union.de/programm 10:00
17.02. – Mon
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TicketsReservation: https://www.yorck.de/kinos/filmtheater-am-friedrichshain OmU16:00
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TicketsReservation: https://www.yorck.de/kinos/filmtheater-am-friedrichshain OmU16:00
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Kino im Kulturhaus Spandau
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TicketsReservation: https://www.kinoheld.de/kino/berlin/kino-im-kulturhaus-berlin/vorstellungen 12:15
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