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Juror 2
Hoult's portrayal of a reluctant reprobate who believes himself to be a "good man" is reminiscent of the handsome, insecure men of classic film noir. Eastwood's politics are, as always, somewhat dubious.
Clint Eastwood’s new courtroom film is about a young man, Justin Kemp (Nicholas Hoult), whose wife is about to give birth. He is appointed as a jury member and quickly realizes that the accused is innocent because he himself is responsible for the victim’s death.
The case of district attorney Faith Killebrew (Toni Collette) is abysmally constructed. The accused was seen fighting with his girlfriend, the victim, and an old man allegedly saw him at the scene of the crime at the time of the crime. Character diagnoses and an unreliable witness, nothing more than that. Whether it was the intention of the screenplay to point at the sloppy work of the justice system isn’t entirely clear, but seems probable.
Justice is determined by prejudices and particular interests, the film tells us this on several levels. Justin initially tries to protect the defendant from being convicted. All the other jurors initially want to convict the defendant. Everyone thinks the man is a "scumbag." Justin and a former police officer gradually manage to turn the tide. But this also becomes dangerous for Justin.
JUROR #2 has a fantastic cast, and along with Toni Collette, J.K. Simmons, and Kiefer Sutherland, Nicholas Hoult in the leading role is particularly impressive. Hoult’s portrayal of a hesitant damned man who considers himself to be a “good person“ is reminiscent of the good-looking, insecure men of classic film noir – Alan Ladd, Glenn Ford or Henry Fonda. Eastwood’s politics is, as always, dubious. Is the name Faith Killebrew a play on Killery (Clinton)? The public defender calls the prosecutor, who has ambitions to become district attorney, a "politician." This is, of course, an insult.
Original title: Juror 2
USA 2024, 114 min
Genre: Thriller
Director: Clint Eastwood
Author: Jonathan Abrams
DOP: Yves Bélanger
Music: Mark Mancina
Distributor: Warner Bros.
Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Toni Collette, J.K. Simmons, Zoey Deutch, Kiefer Sutherland, Francesca Eastwood, Chris Messina
Release: 16.01.2025
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles

Juror 2
(Juror 2) | USA 2024 | Thriller | R: Clint Eastwood
Hoult's portrayal of a reluctant reprobate who believes himself to be a "good man" is reminiscent of the handsome, insecure men of classic film noir. Eastwood's politics are, as always, somewhat dubious.
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