Neue Notiz
Hugh Grant took on the role of the villain for the first time for the premium indie A24 and the directing, writing and producing duo Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, creators of the A QUIET PLACE series. Grant succeeds in winning over the audience at first with his screen charisma and million dollar smile. When two missionaries from the Church of Latter Day Saints ring Mr. Reeds (Grant) door to talk to him about the Bible, he is more than ready to do so. He involves the two in a a faith discourse until the young women just want to leave the house at a certain point. But the path is blocked and leads Sister Paxton (Chloe East) and Sister Barnes (Sophie Thatcher) even deeper into the hermit’s den. HERETIC begins with long dialogues that gleefully dissect the entire concept of religion, which certainly has a different explosive power in the Christian-dominated US. But that doesn’t change the fact that the lines are sometimes a bit too clever and contain some platitudes, such as the well-known analogy of the “Monopoly” game, which was actually once called “The Landlord’s Game”. But Beck and Woods direct the scenes in a stylish way and it’s a pleasure to listen to friendly Mr. Reed or Grant. You can tell the Brit enjoys playing with his own image, just like he recently maneuvered in Guy Ritchie’s THE GENTLEMEN. Unlike the excessive dialogue, the plot is reduced to the essentials and ultimately adds little that’s new to the genre. But it’s definitely enough for a pleasantly creepy thrill ride.
Translation: Elinor Lewy
USA 2024, 110 min
Genre: Horror
Director: Scott Beck, Bryan Woods
Author: Bryan Woods, Scott Beck
DOP: Chung-hoon Chung
Montage: Justin Li
Distributor: Plaion Pictures
Cast: Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, Chloe East
Release: 26.12.2024
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
b-ware! ladenkino
22.02. – Sat
TicketsBuy Tickets OmU12:45
24.02. – Mon
TicketsBuy Tickets OmU11:00
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