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The Cats Of Gokogu Shrine
The Shintō shrine in the serene resort Ushimado is an important communal place for seniors in the area who come there to pray, fish, and take care of the plants. They share it with the cat lovers who look after a big pack of cats.
Original title: Gokogu no Neko
Japan 2024, 119 min
Language: Japanese
Genre: Documentary, Tierfilm
Director: Kazuhiro Soda
Distributor: Fugu Filmverleih
Release: 05.12.2024
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles

The Cats Of Gokogu Shrine
(Gokogu no Neko) | Japan 2024 | Documentary, Tierfilm | R: Kazuhiro Soda
The Shintō shrine in the serene resort Ushimado is an important communal place for seniors in the area who come there to pray, fish, and take care of the plants. They share it with the cat lovers who look after a big pack of cats.
Prenzlauer Berg
15.02. – Sat
TicketsReservation: Tel. 030/44049298, https://kino-krokodil.de/tickets/ (Das Reservierungstelefon ist ab 19 Uhr besetzt.) OmU16:40
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