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The Wild Robot

One day, Robot “Roz“ 7134 is stranded on an isolated island that is only inhabited by animals and becomes a mother to an orphaned baby goose.


Every robot needs a task. Rozzum “Roz” 7134 is programmed to help others, solve projects, and overcome hurdles. Always efficient, always with a system. The agile metal creature is faced with a special challenge when one day it is stranded on a deserted island inhabited only by animals: suddenly its “clients” are beavers, squirrels, and wild boars. The “monster” made of metal has barely gotten used to the language and movement patterns of these foreign creatures when things get worse: Roz finds a gosling whose mother has died and Roz had something to do with it. And so Roz takes sacrificial care of the small, clumsy being, gives it food, teaches it how to swim and fly, just like a perfectly functioning robot should. By next winter, the young gosling has to be strong enough to migrate to the south with the other migratory birds. The training is hard, also for Roz, who is becoming more and more accustomed to its new home and the dissimilar islanders.

Of course, the company that invented and built Roz is trying to find the lost model. In parts, THE WILD ROBOT feels like a Transformers episode, but it’s primarily an enchanting animated film. The sometimes clumsy story is told to me with humor and warmth. The most beautiful thing about it are the images that were created with attention to detail and an enormous love of color. The messages are clear: our planet is precious, good friends are everything, and even robots have a heart – but the film cleverly packages it in slapstick humor a la Looney Tunes and adults and kids can equally have fun watching it and leave the cinema feeling moved at the end.

Pamela Jahn

Translation: Elinor Lewy


Original title: The Wild Robot
USA 2024, 101 min
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Director: Chris Sanders
Author: Chris Sanders
Montage: Mary Blee
Music: Kris Bowers
Distributor: Universal Pictures
FSK: 6
Release: 03.10.2024



  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
Multiplexe anzeigen

The Wild Robot

(The Wild Robot) | USA 2024 | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | R: Chris Sanders | FSK: 6

One day, Robot “Roz“ 7134 is stranded on an isolated island that is only inhabited by animals and becomes a mother to an orphaned baby goose.



b-ware! ladenkino

15.02. – Sat

TicketsBuy Tickets 11:00


Sputnik Kino am Südstern

15.02. – Sat

TicketsBuy Tickets OmU15:45

16.02. – Sun

TicketsBuy Tickets 13:30

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