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David Lynch: The Art Life

David Lynch isn’t just a world-famous director of mysterious films; he is also a successful surrealist painter. The documentary DAVID LYNCH: THE ART OF LIFE is dedicated to this lesser known side of Lynch.


David Lynch is known for making films that aren’t always logical or fast-paced and is also notorious for refusing to explain them.

What is less known is that Lynch is also active in other artistic mediums and that he has shown his paintings all around the world.
Directors Jon Nguyen (who made the INTERVIEW PROJECT GERMANY with Lynch) and Olivia Neergard-Holm (the screenwriter of VICTORIA) dedicated this film to that side of Lynch. They let him talk about his influences and evolution, starting from his childhood behind “white picked fences“ and his morally upright mother, his first contact with his friend’s painter father, and art school where he could begin his “art life“. He comes in contact with a disturbing world and gets impulses that flow into his images. Shooting ERASERHEAD allowed him to fulfill the wish of seeing his images in motion and also laid the foundation for his film career.

Lynch talks freely, and begins telling stories that affected him deeply which he then decides to keep to himself. Lynch’s words are illustrated with photos and film excerpts from the relevant phases and there are many shots of Lynch painting. We see the plastic images often made with organic materials that are clearly influenced by Francis Bacon. The surreal elements can be found in Lynch’s films, but they are often made with a cool, pop-culture sheen that is completely missing here. The artist himself seems like a figure made out of old wood, sitting for extended periods of time, smoking, either pondering or playing with his small daughter Lula. He doesn’t discuss his emotions or inner workings, of course.

Christian Klose

Translation: Elinor Lewy


Dänemark/USA 2016, 88 min
Language: English
Genre: Documentary, Film about film-making, Biography
Director: Jon Nguyen, Olivia Neergaard-Holm, Rick Barnes
DOP: Jason S.
Montage: Olivia Neergaard-Holm
Music: Jonatan Bengta
Distributor: NFP Filmwelt
Cast: David Lynch
Release: 31.08.2017



  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
  • OV Original version
  • OmU Original with German subtitles
  • OmeU Original with English subtitles
Multiplexe anzeigen

David Lynch: The Art Life

Dänemark/USA 2016 | Documentary, Film about film-making, Biography | R: Jon Nguyen, Olivia Neergaard-Holm, Rick Barnes | FSK: oA

David Lynch isn’t just a world-famous director of mysterious films; he is also a successful surrealist painter. The documentary DAVID LYNCH: THE ART OF LIFE is dedicated to this lesser known side of Lynch.



Kant Kino

16.02. – Sun

TicketsReservation: OmU12:00


b-ware! ladenkino

15.02. – Sat

TicketsBuy Tickets OmU14:30

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