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A Different Man
Shy Edward undergoes an experimental facial procedure in order to impress theater director Ingrid. Then competition in the shape of Oswald appears, who is casual about his own disfigured face.
Shy Edward (Sebastian Stan), whose face is full of tumors, lives in a grimy New York. When pretty Ingrid (Renate Reinsve) moves in next to him and shows interest in Edward, he undergoes a dangerous medical procedure which has his facial skin fall off in shreds. Beneath it, a smooth, attractive face is revealed. Instead of revealing himself to Ingrid, Edward gives himself a new identity. He becomes a successful real estate agent until he meets Ingrid again, who has written a theater play about the encounter with Edward. Edward auditions for the main role and he captures Ingrid’s heart with make up mirroring his old face – until a rival appears. Oswald (Adam Pearson) looks almost exactly like Edward, but is sophisticated and casual about his appearance.
A DIFFERENT MAN is a film with a purpose. Adam Pearson, who plays Oswald, has neurofibromatosis, which causes non-malignant tumors to grow on his face, and actually looks like Edward at the beginning of the film. Director Aaron Schimberg himself had several operations to repair a cleft palate and struggled with his appearance. A film in the film shows how a campaign could look like advocating for more acceptance for people with facial deformities. Even the actors whose behavior is supposed to be portrayed as correct seem embarrassed. Correct behavior is not easy when even the request to bring someone to a party can result in sad looks. Not everyone has Adam Pearson’s chutzpah and charm. Schimberg has succeeded in turning this topic into an entertaining film with a beautifully grimy retro-indie chic.
Translation: Elinor Lewy
USA 2024, 112 min
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Satire
Director: Aaron Schimberg
Author: Aaron Schimberg
DOP: Wyatt Garfield
Montage: Taylor Levy
Music: Umberto Smerilli
Distributor: UPI - Universal Pictures International
Cast: Sebastian Stan, Renate Reinsve, Owen Kline, Marc Geller, Adam Pearson
Release: 05.12.2024
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles
- OV Original version
- OmU Original with German subtitles
- OmeU Original with English subtitles

A Different Man
USA 2024 | Drama, Satire | R: Aaron Schimberg
Shy Edward undergoes an experimental facial procedure in order to impress theater director Ingrid. Then competition in the shape of Oswald appears, who is casual about his own disfigured face.
b-ware! ladenkino
17.02. – Mon
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